Saturday, May 3, 2008

Breaking the Halfway Point!! 14 miler

Well I officially broke the half marathon point in training. 14 miles.....8 hills...and two silver dollar sized blisters later. The sad part is that my blisters didn't even hurt by the end of my run because my legs were so tired they were practically numb. This run was definitely a major mental milestone for me too. Last time I did this I was running with two running partners.(love U Mia and Maren!) So the miles were filled with girly banter and laughter even when we were so tired we felt like crying. Now that its just me and my I pod I have to push myself to keep going. I never knew I would feel so competitive running against myself. So here I am 14 miles behind long run will be 16..then 18...and then I am officially in marathon shape. ( I wish my body actually looked it!) Special thanks to my fabulous husband for putting the kids to bed...yet I could torture myself of my own free will.
I do have to comment on one more thing. Now that I am running for two hours at a time I have lots of time to notice things around me. You'd think that because I am running through Provo (especially SOUTH provo) that there is not a lot to look at....but man the Mountains are so beautiful. As I ran up the LOOONG hill towards the Provo temple yesterday It took my breath away. The temple nestled into the mountains almost brought me to tears. (being pushed to exhaustion helped) Not to mention all the tulips and cherry blossoms. God sure is an amazing artist.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Wow, that brought back memories of my marathon training days. The long run that made me CRY, and the reason I never want to do another marathon, was the 23 miler. I thought my legs would never work again. I'm sticking with the half marathons from now on!! Way to go Missy!